Thursday 10 February 2011

Product review: Maybelline Skin Retexturising Primer

Product review:
Maybelline: Instant Anti-Age (TheSmoother, Skin Retexturising Primer)

 The best thing about this product is the handy packaging which fits easily in any bag. The product has Vaseline like texture with little shinny particles in it. I must admit that by the looks of it I thought the product is going to be sticky and shiny but it caught me by surprise it’s amazing how it blends in my skin and does what a primer should do, leaves a smooth surface to work on. I don’t wear too much of foundation so it’s working for me. Tiny amount is enough for the whole face and neck area. Give it a try it is less than a tenner and is available in all major UK drugstores. 

Product Rating: ***

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